Comprehensive English-French Pottery Glossary: Translate Pottery Terms
Explore this comprehensive English-French pottery glossary to accurately translate pottery terms and enhance your bilingual ceramic vocabulary!
Why I Put This French-English Pottery Glossary Together
Going to see a potter make Egyptian style carved pots during a week-long field trip to an Egyptian oasis with the entire 5th grade class of the Lycée Français du Caire was by far one of the most impactful trips of my childhood. That trip inspired my passion for clay-work, and naturally, thanks to my oasis awakening, I enrolled in a pottery class immediately upon my return. So, my first pottery class was in Arabic!
When I moved to the US and deepened my learning of the ceramic arts in high school under the instruction of professional potter Ron Burke, my ceramics vocabulary expanded, and all in English.
I also speak French. French is actually the language I grew up speaking most thanks to my elementary schooling in French institutions and my French-Lebanese mother and French grandmother. However, since I was not exposed to ceramics in French, hélas, I didn't know French pottery terms! Teaching at a bilingual French-English school from 2019-2022 inspired me to finally hit the dictionary and become a more authentically bilingual potter.
I put together this glossary of English-French pottery terms for myself and for my students, and now I get to share it with you! If you have any additions, recommendations, etc, please let me know.
Bilingual Glossary of Pottery Terms / Glossaire Lexique Bilingue de la Poterie
Occupations - Métiers
Artist - Artiste
Ceramicist - Céramiste
Craftsperson - Artisan
Potter - Potier.ère
Sculptor - Sculpteur.euse
Student - Étudiant.e
Teacher - Enseignant.e
Wheel-thrower - Tourneur en poterie
What do potters do? - Que font les potiers?
Centering clay on the wheel - Centrage
Coil-building - Fabriquer par colombinage
Finishing pieces - Finissage
Hand-building - Fabriquer à la main
Make pottery - Faire de la poterie
Press-molding (slump or hump) - Estampage
Slab-building - Fabriquer par plaques
Slip-casting - Coulage en barbotine
Throw pots - Tourner des pots
To clean - Nettoyer
To trim - Tournasser
Wedging - Pétrir
Wheel-throwing - Tournage
Workshop Tools - Outils de l’atelier
Bat - Rondeau
Bucket - Seau
Banding wheel - Tournette
Calipers - Compas
Chuck - Mandrin
Cut-off wire - Fil à couper / fil en fer
Fettling knife - Couteau de potier
Loop tool - Mirette
Mold - Moule
Paint brush - Pinceau
Pintool / needle tool - Aiguille
Potter’s wheel - Tour de potier
Rib (wood or metal) - Estèque (bois ou métal)
Rolling pin - Rouleau à pâte
Ruler - Règle
Scale - Balance
Splash pan - Garde-boue
Sponge - Éponge
Tongs - Des pinces
Trimming tool - Tournassin
Wedging table - Dalle to pétrissage
Wheel - Girelle
Wooden knife - Couteau de bois
Wooden modeling tool - Ébauchoir
Clay - Argile
Air bubbles - Des bulles d’air
Bisque - Biscuit
Bone dry - Sèche
Coil - Colombin
Low fire bisque - Dégourdi
Dust - Poussière
Earthenware - Faïence
Grog - Chamotte
Leather hard - Consistance du cuir
Plasticity - Plastique
Porcelain - Porcelaine
Slab - Plaque
Slip - Barbotine
Stoneware - Grès
Thick - Épais(se)
Thin - Mince
The Kiln - Le Four
Cone - Cône
Cracks - Fissures
Explosion - Une explosion
Firing - Cuisson
Fill a kiln - Encastage
Pinhole - Coque d’oeuf / gerçure
To candle - Préchauffer
To cool - Refroidir
To fire - Cuire
To load - Remplir
Shelf - Tablette
Stilt - Pilier
Glazing - Émaillage
Crawled - Retiré(e)
Crazed - Trésaillé(e)
Dip glazing - Trempage
Food safe - sans risque pour l’alimentation
Glaze - Émail
Glossy - Brillant
Matt - Mate
Metal oxides - Oxydes métalliques
Opaque - Opaque
Speckled - Tacheté(e)
Transparent - Transparente
Underglaze - Sous-glaçure
Unglazed - Non-émaillé(e)
Wax resist - Réserve à la cire
Decorations - Décorations
Devil’s work (Linglong, guigong) - Linglong
Kintsugi - Kintsugi (jointure en or)
Mishima - Mishima
Sgraffito - Sgraffite
To imprint - Empreinter
To stamp - Tamponner
Types of pots - Types de pots
Bottle - Bouteille
Bowl - Bol
Coil pot - Pot par colombins
Cup - Tasse
Flower pot - Pot à fleurs / vase
Functional pottery - Poterie utilitaire
Gobelet - Gobelet / Coupe
Pinch pot - Pot par la méthode d’amincissement
Plate - Assiette
Platter - Plat
Pot - Pot
Tray - Plateau
Parts of a pot - Parties d’un pot
Base - Base
Body - Le corps d’un pot
Foot - Pied
Handle - Anse
Lid - Couvercle
Lip - Lèvre
Mouth - Embouchure
Neck - Col
Rim - Bord
Shoulder - Épaule
Spout - Bec
Wall - Mur
Have fun on your bilingual pottery journey!