Pottery Tools Guide: Shopping List from a Pottery Teacher
I’m going to keep this blog post direct and simple! I teach pottery classes at Follow Your Art Community Studios in Melrose. As students go to build their own tool and materials kit (or their own studios!), I recommend the following.
Starting your pottery journey, and want all the basic tools in one go?
Get this Basic Kemper Tool Kit. It has everything you need to start a pottery journey: potter's rib, a steel scraper, a wood modeling tool, a needle tool, a ribbon tool, a loop tool, a sponge, and a wire clay cutter. You can find knock offs for cheaper on Amazon, but the Kemper Tools are more durable and of better quality. Trust me.
Interested in building your pottery toolkit piece by piece?
Here are my top recommended tools!
Kemper Needle Tool OR Xiem Needle & Scoring Tool for cutting and scoring clay
Wooden Knife / Modeling Tool for sculpting, cutting, and wet trimming on the wheel
Rubber Rib for shaping on the wheel
Steel Rib for shaping and cleaning on the wheel
Serrated Steel Rib for scratching and scoring clay
Hardwood Rib for shaping on the wheel
Felting Knife for carving and cutting
Sponges small and large set for cleaning and throwing
Clay Wire Cutter for wiring off pieces from the wheel and cutting clay out of the bag
Ribbon Tool for trimming
Loop Tool for trimming
Hake Brush for brush glazing
Want to experiment with decorative tools & materials?
Decorative Rib Set for decorative shaping on the wheel
Mayco Fundamentals Underglaze Set of 2oz Jars (click here to find it on Amazon) for adding colorful details to wet work, bone dry work, or bisqued pieces
Mayco Designer Liner (comes in black, blue, red, white, and green) for fine line detail work
Wax Resist for waxing bottoms of pieces to ensure they stay glaze free and for decorative wax resisting and water etching
Patterned Wooden Rollers for Clay for stamping patterns on slabs of clay
For decorative carving tools, see this post I wrote about trimming & carving tools! My top pick are this fine point set by Diamond Core Tools.
Looking to take your home practice to the next level with specialized equipment?
Potter’s Wheel - Shimpo VL Whisper for the win!
If you want to get a kiln, I have a whole post on choosing the right kiln here.
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